Collegiate Medical Centre Physical Accessibility Policy

Policy Statement:

Collegiate Medical Centre is committed to ensuring that all patients, regardless of their physical abilities or disabilities, have equal access to our healthcare services. This Physical Accessibility Policy outlines our commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all individuals.


The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and procedures to ensure that our practice is physically accessible to patients with disabilities. This policy aims to eliminate barriers, promote inclusivity, and comply with applicable laws and regulations, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


It is the responsibility of Collegiate Medical Centres management and staff to implement and maintain the provisions of this policy.

Accessibility Features:

Collegiate Medical Centre will strive to provide the following accessibility features within our practice:

a. Accessible Entrances:

All entrances to the practice will be wheelchair accessible.

Clear signage will indicate accessible entrances and routes.

b. Parking:

Accessible parking spaces will be available near the entrance.

Parking spaces will meet ADA requirements for size and location.

c. Ramps and Elevators:

If applicable, ramps and elevators will be provided to ensure access to all areas of the practice.

d. Doorways and Hallways:

Doorways and hallways will be wide enough to accommodate wheelchairs and mobility devices.

e. Reception Area:

The reception desk will have a section at an accessible height for individuals using wheelchairs.

Seating in the reception area will include options for individuals with mobility impairments.

f. Restrooms:

Accessible restrooms will be available, equipped with grab bars and sufficient space for mobility devices.

g. Examination Rooms:

Examination rooms will be designed to accommodate individuals with mobility devices.

Adjustable examination tables and equipment is available in some of the examination rooms.


a. Communication Access:

Collegiate Medical Centre will provide alternative communication methods, such as sign language interpreters or communication devices, for patients with hearing or speech disabilities upon request.

b. Information Accessibility:

Practice information, including brochures, forms, and website content, will try to be available in accessible formats, such as large print, Braille, or electronic text.

Training and Awareness:

a. Staff Training:

All staff members will receive training on providing assistance to individuals with disabilities and using accessibility features within the practice.

b. Patient Education:

Patients will be informed of the practice’s commitment to accessibility through various channels, such as the website, signage, and informational materials.

Feedback Mechanism:

a. Collegiate Medical Centre will establish a feedback mechanism for patients to report accessibility concerns or suggestions. Feedback can be provided in person, by phone, or through the practice’s website.


a. Collegiate Medical Centre will regularly review and update this policy to ensure ongoing compliance with relevant accessibility laws and regulations.

b. Non-compliance will be addressed promptly, and corrective actions will be taken as necessary.


a. Records of accessibility-related policies, staff training, and feedback will be maintained for auditing and compliance purposes.

Collegiate Medical Centre is committed to fostering a healthcare environment that values diversity and inclusivity. We will continually strive to remove physical barriers and provide equal access to healthcare services for all patients.

This policy will be communicated to all staff members, and efforts will be made to raise awareness among patients and visitors. It will be reviewed and updated as needed to reflect changes in regulations or best practices in accessibility.