Contraceptive coil or implant request


Which type of request do you need?

Implant removal

It is important that you are suitably informed prior to the removal of your contraceptive implant. Please confirm the following:

I understand that there is a risk of infection
I understand that there will be a scar on the inside of the upper arm
I understand that in rare circumstances it may take more than one attempt to remove the device and you may need to have this done in hospital
I would like to have the implant removed because of:
Would you want the implant replacing?
Are you aware of an immediate return to fertility? If you are not having the implant reinserted, you would need to consider alternative contraception for 5 days prior to removal.
Would you like pre-conception information?

Please visit NHS: Planning your pregnancy for more information.

Implant (Nexplanon) insertion

Benefits and risks

The implant is a very effective method of contraception which lasts 3 years; side effects and risks are:

  • Irregular bleeding, no bleeding
  • Bruising and discomfort following insertion
  • Possibility of allergic reactions/ infection of the site
  • The implant moving from its original position, which could make removal more difficult


No method of contraception is 100%; typical pregnancy rates for implant are less than 1 in 1000 over 3 years.

Removal after 3 years

The implant must be removed by 3 years; it is your responsibility to arrange removal.


The insertion and removal will leave a small scar on the skin. Some people are predisposed to thickening of the scar. A larger scar is likely if the implant is difficult to remove.


You must advise your doctor of any medication you are taking and inform any other doctors you see that you have an implant, in case other medicines reduce its effectiveness.

Terms and conditions:

Coil removal

What type of coil do you have?

Coil (Intrauterine) insertion

It is important that you are suitably informed prior to the fitting of your intrauterine device (IUD) or intrauterine system (IUS). Please confirm the following:

I have read the information on intrauterine contraception provided *
I understand that no method is 100% effective and that there is a small risk of failure (less than 1 in 100 chance of pregnancy; 1 in 2000 chance of having an ectopic pregnancy) *
I understand that there is a small risk of pelvic infection (less than 1 in 100) in the first few weeks after insertion of the device *
I understand there is a 1 in 20 chance of the device being expelled / falling out and that this may go un-noticed *
I understand that there is a risk perforation of the womb at the time of insertion of the device and if this happens I may require an operation in hospital to remove the device. *
I understand that the risk of perforation for most women is approximately 1 in 1000, this risk is higher if within 9 months of having a baby or during breastfeeding. *
I understand that if breastfeeding the risk of perforation increases to approximately 6 in 1000 *
Which type of coil do you need? *
I understand that the copper IUD may make my periods heavier, longer and/or more painful *
I understand that the IUS may cause; irregular bleeding or spotting for a few months after which lighter or no periods is common, some hormonal side effects, particularly in the first few months of use *
I understand that it is not safe to insert an IUD/IUS if there is a risk of pregnancy *
I am not at risk of pregnancy because: *


Unit of measurement:


Smoking status:
Would you like help to quit smoking?

Blood Pressure
