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About us

We are a large general practice offering routine and extended medical services and medical training in North Manchester.

The practice policy is to accept any eligible person and not to discriminate against anyone, regardless of any pre-existing health conditions, required treatment.

We are committed to ensuring that our patients and their families/carers are treated as individuals with privacy, dignity and respect.

We are committed to promoting equality, embracing diversity and ensuring full inclusion for people who use our services whether Staff, Patients or Public so it is central to our vision and values.

Anyone in England can register and consult with a GP without charge.

A practice will not refuse an application on the grounds of medical condition or any protected characteristics: Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation

The patient will complete a PRF1 form to register. People who are not resident in the UK will be asked to complete supplementary questions, which ask for details of valid non-UK EHIC or S1 form, and if the patient considers themselves to be exempt from charge for NHS secondary care services. If a patient does not have proof of identity, address, or immigration status – this is not a barrier to registration. Registering with a practice further away from home can affect decisions about referrals for hospital tests and treatment, or access to community health services . If a person has difficulty registering with a GP practice, they can contact their local NHS England area team or the local Patient Advice and Liaison Services

If a person goes to a GP for treatment while visiting the UK and is treated as a private patient, any prescription would also be private and would have to be paid for privately. People who are not ordinarily resident in the UK may be required to pay for their care when they are in England. However, some services and some individuals are exempt from payment.

NHS services that are currently free of charge irrespective of an overseas visitor’s country of normal residence (as long as they have not come to the UK for the purpose of seeking that treatment), are:

  • accident and emergency services, walk-in centre, minor injuries unit or urgent care centre
  • diagnosis and treatment of some communicable diseases, including HIV & TB, see the regulations for a list of diseases for which there is no charge for treatment.
  • NHS services provided for COVID-19 investigation, diagnosis and treatment
  • diagnosing and treating sexually transmitted infections
  • family planning services (not including termination of pregnancy or infertility treatment)
  • treating conditions caused by torture, female genital mutilation, domestic/sexual violence
  • palliative care services provided by a registered palliative care charity
  • services that are provided as part of the NHS 111 telephone advice line

Groups that are exempt from charge include:

  • refugees (those granted asylum, humanitarian protection or temporary protection under the immigration rules) and their dependants
  • asylum seekers (people applying for asylum, humanitarian protection or temporary protection whose claims have not been determined) and their dependants
  • people receiving support under section 95 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 from the Home Office
  • children looked after by a local council
  • victims/suspected victims, of modern slavery or human trafficking, as determined by the UK Human Trafficking Centre or the Home Office, plus their spouse or civil partner, and any children under 18 provided they are lawfully present in the UK
  • prisoners and immigration detainees

We want our patients to feel they matter that their values, beliefs and personal relationships will be respected, regardless.