For those people who do not pay for their prescriptions for financial reasons and cannot afford to self-care, they can access treatment (free of charge) for the specified conditions through the Greater Manchester Minor Ailments Scheme (MAS).
The scheme is available across Greater Manchester and the vast majority of pharmacies in Manchester have now signed up to deliver which should improve consistency of access.
The scheme is free to access and those patients who do not pay for their prescriptions will receive any recommended medication free of charge. These patients include:
- Individuals named on a current HC2 charges certificate
- Individuals who (or whose partner) receive Income Support
- Those who receive income based Job seekers Allowance or Income related Employment and
- Those who receive a support allowance, or the person is a young person under the age of 20 who is dependent on someone receiving those benefits
- Those in receipt of Universal Credit where entitlement to free prescriptions is stated on the Universal Credit award notice
Patients who do pay for their prescriptions will pay the usual charge or the retail price depending on which is cheaper.
You do not need to see a GP for any of the conditions below:
Condition | Product | Age exemption |
Allergy | Cetirizine tablets or oral solution Chlorphenamine tablets or oral solutionSodium Cromoglicate 2% eye dropsBeclometasone 50mcg/metered dose nasal spray | Under 2 years old |
Athletes Foot | Clotrimazole 1% cream | Under 6 months |
Atopic Eczema | E45 creamOilatum creamHydromol ointmentHydrocortisone 1% cream | Under 6 months |
Constipation | Ispaghula Husk 3.5g sachetsBisacodyl 5mg EC tablets | Under 18 years old |
Contact Dermatitis | E45 creamHydrocortisone 1% cream | Under 6 months |
Diarrhoea | Oral rehydration sachetsLoperamide 2mg capsules | Under 12 months |
Dry Eyes | Hypromellose 0.3% eye drops | Under 12 years |
Ear Wax (Ceruman) | Advice only (10ml bottle/pipette) | Under 12 years |
Fever | Paracetamol tablets or oral suspensionIbuprofen tablets or oral suspension | Under 2 months old |
Post immunisation Fever | Paracetamol 120mg/5ml oral suspension sugar-free | Under 2 months |
Head Lice | Dimeticone 4% lotion (<2 years)Dimeticone 4% lotion (2 years+) Bug buster kit | Under 6-months-old |
Indigestion and Heartburn | Peptac liquidGaviscon Advance liquid | Under 12 years old |
Insect Bites and Stings | Crotamiton 10% creamHydrocortisone 1% creamCetirizine tablets or oral solutionChlorphenamine tablets or oral solutionParacetamol tablets or oral suspension | Under 3 months old |
Mouth Ulcers | Benzydamine spray 0.15%Chlorhexadine gluconate 0.2% mouthwash | Under 5 years old |
Nappy Rash | Zinc and Castor Oil ointment | Under 4 monthsOver 4 years old |
Pain including teething | Paracetamol tablets or oral suspensionIbuprofen tablets or oral suspension | Under 3 months |
Threadworm | Mebendazole 100mg tablets | Under 2-years-old |
Oral Thrush | Miconazole 2% oral gel | Under 4 months |
For more information please visit the Choose Well Manchester website